General Rules

  • No going outside the battle zones
  • Only Nerf guns may be used – no water or other weapon types
  • Modified Nerf guns are allowed, but none using CO2
  • During time outs (called only by adults) – stop shooting (all attacks stop)
  • Do not shoot or throw anything over the fences, out of bounds or on to roofs
  • No whining, complaining, or arguing – this will result in you sitting out for a while and/or losing a point
  • Do not throw or drop guns – they break easily
  • Help collect equipment and darts between battles and at the end of the war – this is required. Anyone found repeatedly not collecting will lose a point
  • You must always be wearing a team ID armband on both arms (this indicates what type of soldier you are and the team you are on).
  • You are restricted to your weapon types and darts at the beginning of each battle, but once combat begins you can use anything

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